
Monday, January 25, 2010

Reading list

I've read a lot of books on China (more than 25 and counting). As such I think it would be worthwhile to provide a reading list of sorts for those of you who would like to learn more about it and its relationship with the U.S. I've put them in descending order, from easy reading at the top down to the hardcore at the bottom. Feel free to throw out your recommendations.

Understanding China by John Bryan Starr
China: A New History by John Fairbanks (THE book on Chinese history)
Integrating China Into the Global Economy by Nicholas Lardy
The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress by Andrew Nathan & Robert Ross
The Search for Modern China by Jonathan D. Spence
America's Response to China by Warren Cohen
Mao's China and the Cold War by Chen Jian
Ten Episodes in China's Diplomacy by Qian Qichen (Qian is a former Chinese foreign minister. This book is useful in that it provides insight into the official Chinese government's line of thinking on foreign policy.)
China's Unfinished Economic Revolution by Nicholas Lardy (dated info but a good read)
Governing China: From Revolution to Reform by Kenneth Lieberthal (a textbook really, but good for understanding China's governmental organization)

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